Advanced Manipulated Italic

Advanced Manipulated Italic
A two or three day workshop with Denis Brown- Advanced level
NOTE: this module is included in the 5 day class Rhythm & Eurhythmics

This is my main style of italic with fast gestural pen manipulations, which aid the fluency of strokes. The class will include acute analysis of structural rhythm, and fluency will also be encouraged by the incorporation of pen flicks and fast manipulated strokes. These took me years to develop one by one, and in just two days the students are not expected to master them. The workshop will, however, open your mind to many new dynamics of calligraphy which can be taken home and practiced by students in their own time.


Sample of the italic as practiced in the workshop aligned over equidistant parallel lines

Denis italic illustration

...and freer developments will also be demonstrated.

Italic Workshop with Denis Brown


Student supplies: Square edged dip-pens, (Brause size 3mm & 4mm particularly recommended in addition to students own preferred brand); finely powdered gum sandarac; ink; ruler; pencils; pad of practice paper A3 size (12 "x l7") or larger; gouache; mixing and loading brushes.



2 or 3 days. Level: Advanced. Max. 20 students


