Painterly techniques for calligraphers

Painterly Techniques for Calligraphers
Calligraphy Workshop with Denis Brown 
4 to 5 days. Level: Intermediate to Advanced

A modern painterly approach introduces new relationships of color, space and composition to calligraphy.

The workshop will begin with exercises to broaden understanding of these elements and to inform the painting process. Our main painting medium will be artist's alkyd, which is thinned with spirits as are oils, but which dries less slowly. Working on a number of paintings, participants will alternate layers of calligraphy with layers of paint, building compositions of richness and depth. Collage will be introduced as a means of adding a further dimension to the painted surface.

Note: This workshop may be unsuitable for those who are sensitive to vapors from petroleum spirits (turpentine / white spirit).

Tools and Materials: Normal calligraphy tools, plus the following: calligraphy dip-pens and any other tools you like to write with, gouache paints, artist's alkyd paints, Pelican 'Plaka' paints, at least two sets of palettes (one for water media, one for alkyd), turpentine or white spirit, 4 or 5 jars with lids, a good selection of paintbrushes (esp. larger sizes: include pointed and flat brushes, bristle as well as nylon, even a 2 " decorator's brush will be useful), PVA glue, also a glue sticks pad of thick drawing paper, some sheets of colored paper (include some dark colors), scissors , finely powdered gum sandarac, old newspapers, clean rags, needle and thread or tube of super-glue.

Below top: painting glazes of oil over calligraphy. Below lower: detail of part of the finished art which is 17 feet/ 5 meters wide in total. It hangs behind the reception desk of the Beijing Rosewood Hotel.Painting glazes over cal;ligraphy

