rounded italic


Understanding Italic
Calligraphy Workshop with Denis Brown 
2 or 3 days. Max. 20 students. Level: intermediate, but adaptable to suit all levels.
Note: This class is an excellent precursor to Italic Variations

The class provides an introduction to Italic theory with the practice of a particular Italic form. We will study structure, rhythm and fluency.

Be introduced to a clear and acute analysis of italic, which neatly encompasses a wide range of variations. The form we'll practice is a less common Italic with high-sprung, symmetric arches. Denis busts common myths with a clear explanation and a dash of humour thrown in.

Experience a grounding in letterform that many scribes lack. Learn how to recognise common problems and avoid inconsistencies. Denis' analysis helps students recognise the common mistakes. Over time, applying this analysis will help you avoid them. Pen manipulation, and dynamics of acceleration/deceleration, will also be introduced to refine forms.


Italic Variations as shown below will be analysed, although this class will focus on the form illustrated in the title above.

itali variations


Tools and Materials
Square edged dip-pens- (particularly Brause brand size 3mm & 4mm in addition to students preferred brand); finely powdered gum sandarac; ink; ruler; pencils; eraser; water jar; pad of practice paper A3 size /11"x 17" or larger. A large sheet of better quality paper (Denis favours Rives BFK but chose whatever you like); gouache paints; palettes; mixing and loading brushes. Optional: These days many students find a smart phone with camera is a convenient way to photograph demonstrations to inform practice at their table.


